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Delivering Economic Material Innovation for Sustainable and Efficient use of Resources.
This project has received funding from UKRI to support the scale-up of sustainable technologies for the foundation industries.
The EconoMISER programme will support the scale-up of sustainable technologies for the foundation industries.
The Materials Processing Institute is a member of the Foundation Industries Sustainability Consortium (FISC) which is running the UKRI supported and funded EconoMISER Programme.
FISC is a partnership between leading research and technology centres working in the foundation industry sectors. These centres are collaborating and combining their expertise and R&D capability to solve industry innovation challenges to achieve sustainability and net zero objectives.
The foundation industries are made up of the metals, ceramics, glass, chemicals, paper and cement sectors, who combined produce 28m tonnes of material per year, and are worth £50bn annually to the UK economy.
Foundation industries produce 75% of all the material on the planet, but they are also the UK’s biggest industrial polluters and responsible for approximately 50 million tonnes of CO2 per year, or 10% of the total CO2 emitted by UK homes and businesses.
If the UK is to meet its Net-Zero ambitions, the foundation industries need to urgently transform how materials are sourced and processed.
The EconoMISER programme is aimed at the scaling-up of the sustainable technologies required by the foundation industries. The programme will develop a network of scale-up centres to support industry and academic engagement in innovation.
These centres will enable foundation industry companies to have access to facilities and expertise to test out new potential production processes to help decarbonise their manufacturing processes; therefore, enabling companies to integrate sustainable new technologies into their own manufacturing.
The objectives of the EconoMISER network of facilities are to:
EconoMISER is the first project to be delivered by FISC. The EconoMISER project will drive the delivery of the following themes that are critical to the creation of a zero-carbon resource efficient sustainable foundation industry in the UK:
Dates - October 2022 – March 2024
Sponsor - Innovate UK
Funding - £19.5m