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“By working closely with our partners we can actively match their business needs to research funding opportunities that we have identified and then use this to leverage their research investment. For our partner clients this is all part of the service.”
Chris Oswin
Programme Manager – PRISM
The Institute recognises the value of collaboration, bringing together partnerships that address common research, technical and ultimately commercial objectives. It is often not just the project itself, but ultimately the potential for the new networks and supply chains that follow where the real value is generated through collaboration.
The Institute has a long and successful track record in the delivery of collaborative research, ranging from early stage scientific development, through to the design, construction and operation of large scale demonstration assets, all of which are supported from a unique mix of laboratory plus modelling and simulation facilities, together with the space and capability to accommodate larger scale demonstration activities.
The Institute is today an active partner in many collaborative projects, supported through both UK and EU funding mechanisms, with typical project areas ranging from new and advanced materials development, the development and demonstration of new and improved materials manufacturing processes, through to industrial decarbonisation and clean manufacturing.
Also recognised is the importance of the correctly balanced consortium and the important contributions that smaller and fast-growing companies can bring to any developing project, whilst at the same time benefiting from access to the assets, equipment and expertise that may not be immediately available, thus de-risking the innovation process and bringing products to market faster.
The Institute has a team dedicated to the development and management of collaborative research projects and are always keen to hear from, engage with and support new research opportunities.