Sustainable Cement and Concrete

The Sustainable Cement and Concrete Group investigates technologies and materials to improve sustainability and to decarbonise of cement and concrete production. This includes analysis of materials to assess their suitability as a replacement of existing materials, and evaluation of production processes to improve and create efficiencies.

Sustainable Cement and Concrete


The Group collaborates with both industrial and academic partners to support the development of sustainable cement and concrete. Research ranges from laboratory bench top research through to pilot scale research to explore opportunities to develop and de-risk new materials and processes.


  • Integrated testing and analysis through access to an extensive range of specialist equipment
  • Bespoke research and testing capability enabling exploitation of new technologies and materials
  • Quick testing turnaround enabling rapid technology proofing
  • Ability to scale up technologies to support industry implementation of new materials and processes


  • Materials testing to recognised industry standards
  • De-risking trials
  • Slag cooling trials
  • Materials characterisation


Cement and Concrete Research Centre that includes a comprehensive range of industry specific research, testing and analysis equipment and supporting services. Induction furnaces ranging from 80kg to 250kg, a 7 tonne electric arc furnace and access to facilities and equipment in a state-of the-art Advanced Materials Characterisation Centre where materials analysis is carried out.


To find out more about the Sustainable Cement and Concrete Group or to make an enquiry, please email