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The Pyrolysis Kiln is used to break down organic substances by subjecting them to temperatures above their decomposition level in a relatively inert atmosphere.
This enables the investigation and development of pyrolysis options for a wide range of organic waste feedstocks, including bio-fuels, at small batch scale.
The Pyrolysis Kiln is capable of processing materials at batch scale or continuous operation. It is fuelled by natural gas with the ability to recycle syngas generated in process (CO + H2). The kiln has with a capacity to accept feedstock input of between 3mm to 20mm in size at a rate ranging from 50kg per hour, and typically used to generate fuel oils and bio-chars.
This Pyrolysis Kiln can be used in conjunction with the Institute’s other pyrometallurgical facilities to determine the most appropriate material recovery rates, and is supported by the Institute’s extensive range of analytical and characterisation facilities.
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