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The Energy and Process Decarbonisation Group develops scalable technologies to drive innovation in sustainable energy and process technologies. The Group provides consultation, research, development and testing services to support industries to decarbonise through the uptake of more sustainable energy and process opportunities.
The Group develops technology to reduce carbon emissions and improve energy efficiency in industrial processes.
Consultation and support are focused on energy decarbonisation including feasibility studies and technical advice to enable transition to low-carbon energy sources.
Research and development activities focus on process modelling, energy storage and transportation, and materials testing.
Testing and validation services ensure the effectiveness and safety of decarbonisation technologies, and include testing products in various combustion atmospheres, conducting emissions diagnostics, and validating process models.
Scale-up and commercialisation support ensures viability in real-world applications.
Fully equipped Advanced Materials Development Centre and materials characterisation centres along with a range of furnaces to support testing and modelling.
To find out more about the Energy and Process Decarbonisation Group or to make an enquiry, please email enquiries@mpiuk.com