Ore Reduction Rig

The Ore Reduction Rig allows reduction of iron ore, pellets and sinters to meet ISO standards 4695:2015, 4696-1:2015, 4696-2:2015, 4698:2007, 7215:2015 and 7992:2015.
The Ore Reduction Rig also has a hydrogen reduction programme which can be used to reduce ore samples in a pure hydrogen atmosphere.
Applications and Capability
- Testing of iron ores to ISO standards
- Reduction of ores using pure hydrogen
- Approximately 500 grammes of material can be tested per run of the rig.
Key Features
- Semi-automated testing to ISO standards
- Reduction of minerals using both hydrogen and carbon monoxide
- Simulation of conditions in blast furnace and direct reduction systems
ISO Standard Tests
- ISO 4695:2015
- ISO 4696-1:2015
- ISO 4696-2:2015
- ISO 4698:2007
- ISO 7215:2015
- ISO 7992:2015
- Other standard and non-standard testing
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