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Feasibility study looking at hydrogen direct reduction of iron – Pilot furnace and steelmaking.
The H2DRI project has received funding from BEIS as part of the NZIP Fuel Switching Competition
The Materials Processing Institute is leading this project to demonstrate green steelmaking. The objective is to research and develop technologies to replace coal, coke and other polluting fossil fuels currently powering ironmaking furnaces with hydrogen and electricity to create a low carbon steel industry.
The H2DRI project has received funding from BEIS as part of the NZIP Fuel Switching Competition, which forms part of BEIS’ Net Zero Innovation Portfolio and aims to accelerate the commercialisation of innovative clean energy technologies and processes.
The initial part of the project will involve a feasibility study before the development of permanent and accessible national pilot production facilities.
This project will deliver a practical feasibility study with the aim to build the UK’s first Hydrogen Direct Reduction (H2DRI) furnace. This will demonstrate an ore to steel hydrogen electric steelmaking process at tonnes per day scale, and innovation in design, energy efficiency and carbon balancing.
The feasibility study will look at the design and operating strategy and integrating with an existing Electric Arc Furnace (EAF) at the Materials Processing Institute’s Normanton Plant.
It will also meet the need for independent research and development facilities that can be accessed by iron and steelmakers, and associated supply chain businesses, researchers, investors, and policymakers in order to accelerate the decarbonisation of commercial steelmaking.
Dates - 1st April 2022 – 30th September 2022
Sponsor - Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS)
Funding - £269,736