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Innovative pathways to zero-emissions cement

Innovative pathways to zero-emissions cement

Recycling Day, hosted by Jernkontoret and Swerim AB, is aimed at propelling the mining and metals industry toward a sustainable future through recycling, reuse, and the valorisation of residual materials.

Hichem Hakka, Energy and Process Decarbonisation Leader here at the Materials Processing Institute will be giving a presentation titled: 

Innovative pathways to zero-emissions cement: advancing industrial decarbonisation

This presentation will showcase the Institute's leadership in sustainable cement and low-carbon processes, driving the industry towards zero emissions. The presentation will explore synergies between foundation industries, demonstrating how collaborative efforts can accelerate decarbonisation.

Key partnerships will be highlighted, along with the Institute's recent investments in facilities and equipment. The presentation will emphasise our advanced capabilities in developing low-carbon processes and testing them in environments that closely replicate industrial conditions to support the delivery of cutting-edge solutions for industrial decarbonisation.

Other presentations will include:

• A novel approach for the utilization of mining and smelting by-products as ceramics materials

• Challenges of impurity removal and slag metallurgy in green steel production

• AI based recycling of metal composite wastes

• The lime's happy journey through life – utilisation of EAF slag in concrete

• Hydrogen reduction of by-products and waste from the steel industry

Event Details

Date: September 27th, 2024

Time: 13.00-15.30 (CET)

Place: Teams

Registration and Programme:

Please make your registration no later than September 25th, 2024.

The webinar is free of charge.

4 September 2024