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“Industrial R&D from the laboratory and pilot scale to implementation & commissioning.”
Alan Scholes is the Chief Technology Officer for the Materials Processing Institute. The Institute carries out industrial research and innovation in advanced materials, industrial decarbonisation and the circular economy and has been supporting the materials, processing and energy sectors for over 75 years.
Alan has an extensive history of industrial research and development for the materials sector from laboratory and pilot scale studies through to industrial trials and plant commissioning. This includes the management and operation of tonnage-scale pilot plant, including high hazard facilities, major upgrades, and development of health and safety systems.
A graduate of Cambridge University, Alan sits on several advisory boards for Doctoral Training Centres with leading UK universities and supports development of young scientists and engineers. He is also an EU Expert Evaluator for European Funded projects and EPSRC proposals within his areas of expertise, and has contributed to major international conferences for the metals sector both as contributor and on the organising and technical committees. Alan also contributes to advisory groups on development for the industry.
Research has involved both UK work and leading large multi-partner, multi-national collaborative European projects as well as activities in Asia and the USA.