University of Leeds PhD students given an insight into industry
Graduates from the University of Leeds have been given an insight into industry while carrying out research at the Materials Processing Institute.
10 February 2016

News and Press Releases from Materials Processing Institute.
Graduates from the University of Leeds have been given an insight into industry while carrying out research at the Materials Processing Institute.
10 February 2016
This Conference is being organised on behalf of the Bulk Metal Forming Committee of IOM3 and is accredited for Professional Development.
9 February 2016
With an agreement reached in Paris at COP21 and Carbon Capture and Storage playing a key role in the reduction of COâ‚‚ especially for industrial emitters, the Materials Processing Institute is in a key position to use its expertise in industrial scale up and applying technologies to existing industries to help CCS play its part.
11 January 2016
Anders Jersby, Business Development Manager for Steel Services at the Materials Processing Institute attended the 19th Middle East Iron & Steel Conference in Dubai, 14th to 16th December.
5 January 2016
Dates for 2016 Steel Industry Training Courses are now online. Steel courses have been developed and run by the Materials Processing Institute for over 70 years and dates and registration for the confirmed 2016 Steel Industry Training Courses are now available on our website.
16 December 2015
The Materials Processing Institute was founded as the British Iron and Steel Research Association in 1944, as a central research centre for the iron and steel industry.
15 December 2015
The SME Technology Centre has been set up to help businesses by supporting them to develop, commercialise and improve technology. This support includes on-site pilot plant, scale up and demonstrator facilities enabling businesses to test, develop and demonstrate new technologies without the risks associated with full scale production.
14 December 2015
Chris McDonald has recently returned from Slovakia where he advised the Slovakian Government about setting up a similar research model for the country.
1 December 2015
The Materials Processing Institute's latest brochure promoting our activities to support Small Medium Enterprises (SMEs) is now available to download from our Downloads page.
26 November 2015
The SSI Task Force has secured £80 million from Government in response to the SSI Steelworks closure in Redcar.
12 November 2015