2019 - 2nd Postgraduate Research Symposium on Ferrous Metallurgy

Tuesday 26th February 2019

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Keynote Speaker

Ron Deelen, Chief Marketing Officer, British Steel

Ron Deelen, Chief Marketing Officer, British Steel

2019 Papers

Best Paper Winner

2019 Paper Winner - Daniel Stewart, Swansea University

Daniel Stewart, Swansea University
The single-stage production of low zinc pig Iron nuggets from basic oxygen furnace dust using blast furnace dust as a reductant

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Best Paper Runner Up

2019 paper Runner Up - Guy Khosla, Imperial College, London

Guy Khosla, Imperial College, London
A microstructural evaluation of the cleavage fracture of as-cast slabs, known as 'Clinking'

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Full List of 2019 papers

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  1. Role of fracture toughness and wear mechanism in impact-abrasion
    Appa rao Chintha, University of Cambridge
  2. Using deep neural network with small dataset to predict solidification cracking susceptibility of stainless steels
    Shuo Feng, University of Leicester
  3. Aesthetic and performance enhancement of ZMA coated steels
    Amar Dhoj Malla, Swansea University
  4. Comparison of Squats and Studs from different traffic environments
    Shaun Earl, University of Sheffield
  5. Hot stage quasi in-situ analysis of the effect of titanium and manganese on static recrystallization of cold-rolled low carbon V and Ti-V bearing micro-alloyed steels
    Ishwar Kapoor, University of Warwick
  6. Understanding the nano-oxide particle nature of irradiated oxide dispersion strengthened steels
    Thomas Davis, University of Oxford
  7. Surface texture and visual appearance of packaging steel
    Stephen Jones, Swansea University
  8. Direct observation of coal particle swelling
    Ian Moore, Materials Processing Institute
  9. The single-stage production of low zinc pig Iron nuggets from basic oxygen furnace dust using blast furnace dust as a reductant
    Daniel Stewart, Swansea University
  10. A microstructural evaluation of the cleavage fracture of as-cast slabs, known as: 'Clinking'
    Guy Khosla, Imperial College, London
  11. TRansformation/TWinning Induced Plasticity (TRIP/TWIP) steels produced by additive layer manufacturing
    Hossein Eskandari Sabzi, Lancaster University

2019 Posters

Best Poster Winner

2019 Poster Winner - Cameron Bee, University of Warwick

Cameron Bee, University of Warwick
Nanoindentation as a method for phase mapping auto-tempered martensite and low bainite mixed microstructure steels

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Full List of 2019 Posters

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  1. The simulation of hydrogen in magnetic iron
    Edmund Simpson, King’s College, London
  2. Hydrogen embrittlement of automotive ultra-high-strength steels – generation & diffusion of atomic hydrogen
    James Lelliot, Swansea University
  3. Atomistic simulations of BCC-Fe and ferrite
    Angel Alberto Izquierdo Sanchez, Newcastle University
  4. Galling in 316 stainless steel
    Samuel Rogers, Imperial College, London
  5. Nanoindentation as a method for phase mapping auto-tempered martensite and low bainite mixed microstructure steels
    Cameron Bee, University of Warwick
  6. Galvanised UHSS for automotive BIW applications
    James Ayres, Swansea University

2019 St George’s Den, Bessemer Pitches

Best Bessemer Pitch

2019 Bessemer Pitch Winner - George Hargreaves, Tata Steel

George Hargreaves, Tata Steel

2019 Millman Scholar

2019 Millman Scholar - Ben Napier

Ben Napier

Ben Napier is the Institute’s first recipient of the undergraduate scholarship, which is awarded annually to a deserving candidate from the Tees Valley region, who is planning to study, or is already studying towards a materials or science related discipline.

More details are available in our Press Release.

Also available from the 2019 Symposium:

Testimonials & Reviews Photo Gallery

Symposium 2026

9th Postgraduate Research Symposium on Ferrous Metallurgy 2026

Date: Tuesday 24th February 2026

Time: 9:30am - 6:30pm

Location: Armourers’ Hall, Armourers & Brasiers’ Company, 81 Coleman Street, London EC2R 5BJ