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Tuesday 26th February 2019
Daniel Stewart, Swansea University
The single-stage production of low zinc pig Iron nuggets from basic oxygen furnace dust using blast furnace dust as a reductant
Guy Khosla, Imperial College, London
A microstructural evaluation of the cleavage fracture of as-cast slabs, known as 'Clinking'
Click a presentation title to view that presentation in PDF format
Cameron Bee, University of Warwick
Nanoindentation as a method for phase mapping auto-tempered martensite and low bainite mixed microstructure steels
click a poster title to download that poster in PDF format
George Hargreaves, Tata Steel
Ben Napier is the Institute’s first recipient of the undergraduate scholarship, which is awarded annually to a deserving candidate from the Tees Valley region, who is planning to study, or is already studying towards a materials or science related discipline.
More details are available in our Press Release.