6th Postgraduate Research Symposium on Ferrous Metallurgy 2023

Tuesday 28th February 2023

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2023 Video Review

6th Postgraduate Research Symposium 2023 Review

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Keynote Speaker

Professor Rob Boom

Professor Rob Boom, Collaboration to boost evolution and revolution in ironmaking and steelmaking.

Bessemer Lecture 2023

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2023 Presentations

Presentation Winner

2023 Presentation Winner - Joshua Collins, The University of Manchester

Joshua Collins, The University of Manchester
A rapid CCT predictor for low alloys steels, and its application to compositionally heterogeneous material

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Presentation Runner Up

2023 Presentation Runner Up - Andrew England, University of Strathclyde

Andrew England, University of Strathclyde
Gigacycle fatigue performance of steel welds

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2023 Presentations and Abstracts

Abstracts and presentations that were conducted through the day during the following sessions.

Click on a button next to a presentation to view each presentation abstract or presentation.

10:40 - 11:40 Session 1 - Theme - Development of products and Applications

Presentation 1 - Development of a segregation neutralised dual phase steel for improved formability
Presenter: Pedram Dastur (University of Warwick) - Abstract Presentation

Presentation 2 - The effect of antimony additions on the microstructure and performance of automotive Zn-Al-Mg steel coatings
Presenter: Dan Britton (Swansea University) - Abstract Presentation

Presentation 3 - Evaluation of metallurgical risk factors in post-test, advanced 9%Cr creep strength enhanced ferritic (CSEF) steel
Presenter: Xiyu Yuki Zhang (Loughborough University) - Abstract Presentation

12:00 - 13:00 Session 2 - Theme - Process Development

Presentation 4 - Effect of high FeOx containing material dissolution in HIsarna slag
Presenter: Bharath Sampath Kumar (University of Warwick) - Abstract Presentation

Presentation 5 - The effects of deep cryogenic treatment on a PVD - TiN coated M2 high speed steel
Presenter: Christian Chiadikobi (University of Leicester) - Abstract Presentation

Presentation 6 - The road to net zero, the testing of a new hybrid fuel for sintering
Presenter: Sam Reis (Swansea University) - Abstract Presentation

14:00 - 15:20 Session 3 - Theme - Development of Techniques and Fundamental Knowledge

Presentation 7 - A rapid CCT predictor for low alloys steels, and its application to compositionally heterogeneous material
Presenter: Joshua Collins (The University of Manchester) - Abstract Presentation

Presentation 8 - Oxidation of a dual phase steel during rapid alloy prototyping
Presenter: Lauren O'Donnell-McLean (Swansea University) - Abstract Presentation

Presentation 9 - Gigacycle fatigue performance of steel welds
Presenter: Andrew England (University of Strathclyde) - Abstract Presentation

Presentation 10 - Avoidance of hydrogen assisted cold cracking in multi-pass weld metal
Presenter: Shaun Smart (University of Leicester) - Abstract Presentation

2023 Posters

Poster Winner

2023 Poster Winner - Anna Tholen, Loughborough University

Anna Tholen, Loughborough University
In-situ tempering to improve the metallurgy of additively manufactured tool steel components

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2023 Posters and Abstracts

Click on a button next to a presentation title to view each poster abstract or poster.

  1. Novel galvanic coatings for ground support equipment
    Daniel Murphy (Swansea University) - Abstract Poster
  2. Effects of welding parameters on sigma phase precipitation in 25Cr-5Ni-1Mo-2.5Cu-1Mn-0.18N Duplex Stainless Steel
    Kenta Yamada (University of Leicester) - Abstract Poster
  3. Improving serviceability of zinc aluminium magnesium coatings
    Matthew Alexander Brooks (Swansea University) - Abstract Poster
  4. Alloy design for impurity tolerance
    Katlo Batsile (Imperial College London) - Abstract Poster
  5. Development of product and process technologies for manufacturing high value alloy steels used in critical applications
    William Moncaster (University of Warwick) - Abstract Poster
  6. Capture and reduction of carbon emissions to maximise circularity in the steelmaking process
    Azita Etminan (Swansea University) - Abstract Poster
  7. In-situ tempering to improve the metallurgy of additively manufactured tool steel components
    Anna Tholen (Loughborough University) - Abstract Poster
  8. Testing ceramics in liquid zinc for upgrading galvanising bath journal bearings
    Giovanni Paolo Alparone (Swansea University) - Abstract Poster
  9. Designing a characterisation toolkit to provide frequent and objective measurement of ferrous scrap quality
    Natalie Hogg (University of Warwick) - Abstract Poster
  10. Leaching of metals in BOS slag via acid digestion
    Anna Alvarez Reguera (Univeristy of Warwick) - Abstract Poster
  11. Assessing the bendability of UHSS (ultra-high strength steel) in plane strain conditions
    Phillip Krawec (University of Warwick) - Abstract Poster
  12. Use of sinter pot pilot facility to optimise sinter plant performance
    Sullayman Butt (Swansea University) - Abstract Poster
  13. The influence of cooling rate during solidification on segregation behaviour in low alloy steels with and without residual elements
    Ajitesh Sharma (University of Warwick) - Abstract Poster
  14. Assessment of antimicrobial coated steels for indoor use
    Rupika Gulati (University of Warwick) - Abstract Poster
  15. Multiscale deformation modelling of small-scale mechanical tests
    Tristan Hearsey (Swansea University) - Abstract Poster
  16. Development of formable steel grades through alternative steelmaking technologies
    Hannah Clarke (Swansea University) - Abstract Poster
  17. Development of improved formability interstitial free steels
    Talal Said Abdullah (Swansea University) - Abstract Poster
  18. Scaling of heat treatment behaviour of low alloy steels
    Ashley Scarlett (The University of Sheffield) - Abstract Poster
  19. Improving the formability of automotive steel grades via hot rolling and run out table simulations
    Liam Moody (Swansea University) - Abstract Poster
  20. The development of sustainable paint for coil coated steel
    Jakub Kramp (Swansea University) - Abstract Poster
  21. Effects of cryogenic treatment on the precipitation behaviour in En31 bearing steel
    Kyle Nicholls (University of Leicester) - Abstract Poster

Millman Scholarship

The Millman Scholarship is an undergraduate scholarship programme, run by the Materials Processing Institute in collaboration with the Worshipful Company of Armourers and Brasiers. This scholarship is awarded annually and supports an undergraduate student financially and with mentoring and work experience during their university studies.

Awarded to: Lauren Skidmore

2023 Millman Scholar - Lauren Skidmore

Lauren is currently in her second year at Teesside University, where she is studying BEng Civil Engineering.

Millman Scholarships

Ashok Kumar Fellowship

The Ashok Kumar Fellowship Scheme is run by the Materials Processing Institute, the Parliamentary Office of Science and Technology (POST) and the Institution of Chemical Engineers. It is a three-month Fellowship for engineers who have completed a degree at undergraduate Masters level or above, in a discipline related to chemical or process engineering, or have equivalent industry experience. There is one funded Fellowship available with the position based in the UK Parliament, supporting its use of research evidence and assisting POST in providing briefing material for parliamentarians on emerging science topics.

Awarded to: Josh Fearns

2023 Ashok Kumar Fellow - Josh Fearns

Josh has recently completed his MEng in Chemical and Petroleum Engineering at the University of Surrey.

Ashok Kumar Fellowship

IOM3 Iron & Steel Group - Steel Awards for 2023

  1. Dowding Medal and Prize - Stuart Leflay
  2. Stokowiec Medal and Prize - Cathy Bell
  3. Tom Colclough Medal and Prize - Dr Philp Kirkwood
  4. Hadfield Medal and Prize - Dr Sara Hornby

2023 Iron & Steel Group Award Winners Summary

View Summary

Also available from the 2023 Symposium:

Video Photo Gallery Innovate UK KTN Presentation (PDF)

Symposium 2026

9th Postgraduate Research Symposium on Ferrous Metallurgy 2026

Date: Tuesday 24th February 2026

Time: 9:30am - 6:30pm

Location: Armourers’ Hall, Armourers & Brasiers’ Company, 81 Coleman Street, London EC2R 5BJ