2021 - Virtual Event - 4th Postgraduate Research Symposium on Ferrous Metallurgy

Tuesday 23rd February 2021


“A huge congratulations. You and your colleagues have delivered a masterplan today; it’s gone brilliantly. A wonderful 4th postgraduate research symposium. I’d like to congratulate all speakers and posters today; it’s been a very high standard. Thank you very much for a wonderful day.”

Professor Bill Bonfield CBE,
University of Cambridge

“Can I just add my congratulations to yourself and all the organisers and all the presenters and everyone else involved in today, it has been truly a super day.”

Mike Goulette,
Master, Armourers & Brasiers’ Company

“Mastering an event of such a scale on a virtual platform is a huge challenge. There were top quality scientific presentations, lively interaction and discussion between presenters, moderators and Q&A's from participants. It was a pleasure and a real honour to be part of this fantastic high-level event.”

Dr Alexander Fleischanderl,
Primetals Technologies, Austria GmbH

“Thank you and congratulations on what was a very well organised and well hosted event, I think I can speak for the M2A staff and students who attended in saying we thoroughly enjoyed it. We will certainly be encouraging our students to attend in 2022. The standard of presentations was excellent from all participants and it was great to see you even had some presentations and attendance outside of the UK.”

Rhys Faulkner,
M2A Project Coordinator, Swansea University


“The symposium provides a forum for PhD and EngD researchers and university departments to showcase their research to both the industrial and academic communities. It enables cutting-edge ferrous metallurgy research to improve and develop new materials and new and more efficient processes throughout the ferrous metallurgy sector to be shared.”

Read Full Review in news section

Also available from the 2021 Symposium:

Speaker & Presenters Symposium Videos

Symposium 2026

9th Postgraduate Research Symposium on Ferrous Metallurgy 2026

Date: Tuesday 24th February 2026

Time: 9:30am - 6:30pm

Location: Armourers’ Hall, Armourers & Brasiers’ Company, 81 Coleman Street, London EC2R 5BJ