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Tuesday 23rd February 2021
Dr. Alexander Fleischanderl, Technology Officer Upstream Head of ECO Solutions at Primetals Technologies Austria GmbH
Rebecca Dewfall, University of Swansea
Blistering formation in high strength steels (HSS) during hot rolling
Thomas Kwok, Imperial College London
How low can you go? The medium manganese limbo
Abstracts and presentations that were conducted through the day during the following sessions.
Click on a button next to a presentation title in the list to download it in Portable Document Format (PDF).
Presentation 1 - Improving Cold Spray Additive Manufacturing with a Nozzle Designed by the Method of Characteristics.
Presenter: Florentina-Luiza Zavalan (University of Leicester) - Abstract Presentation
Presentation 2 - Advanced Analytics of Sinter Plant Operations to Minimise Particulate Emissions.
Presenter: Matthew Thomas (Swansea University) - Abstract Presentation
Presentation 3 - Automated Ladle Pouring in the Steel Industry.
Presenter: Ivan Popov (Swansea University) - Abstract Presentation
Presentation 4 - How low can you go? The medium manganese limbo.
Presenter: Thomas Kwok (Imperial College London) - Abstract Presentation
Presentation 5 - Investigating different rapid alloy prototyping approaches to develop alloys to allow for higher scrap steel content.
Presenter: Caroline Norrish (Swansea University) - Abstract Presentation
Presentation 6 - Understanding the effects of deep cryogenic treatment on precipitation behaviour in En31 bearing steel.
Presenter: Kyle Nicholls (University of Leicester) - Abstract Presentation
Presentation 7 - Role of toughness in abrasion, and impact-abrasion wear.
Presenter: Appa Rao Chintha (University of Cambridge) - Abstract Presentation
Presentation 8 - Effect of Ti microalloying and residual S content on the hot ductility of a boron steel.
Presenter: Yaiza Montaña González (CEIT-Basque Research and Technology Alliance, Universidad de Navarra, Tecnun) - Abstract Presentation
Presentation 9 - Multi-scale investigation of dislocation-assisted carbon migration in ferrite.
Presenter: Tigany Zarrouk (King’s College London) - Abstract Presentation
Presentation 10 - Blistering formation in high strength steels (HSS) during hot rolling.
Presenter: Rebecca Dewfall (University of Swansea) - Abstract Presentation
Matthew Dodd, Swansea University
The adhesion of protective coatings to novel REACH compliant packaging steel substrates
Click on a button to download the abstract or poster in Portable Document Format (PDF).
Billy Quartermain of Redcar is currently in his first year at the University of Manchester, where he is studying BSc Physics.
More details are available in our Press Release.